Small Jobs, not all DIY.

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It has always been alleged that plans for small building projects around the home such as a new deck, shed, garage or carport can be done almost by anyone, in particular the property owner.

Changes to the Building Act in Tasmania has resulted in some small projects having less ‘Red Tape’ but still require the same level of licensed practitioner input.

 What these changes mean to you.

As part of the changes, ANY DESIGN WORK submitted to a Building Surveyor as part of the application for the Certificate of Likely Compliance must be completed by an LICENSED DESIGNER accompanied by a form 35A – Certificate of the responsible designer (Building Work) completed.

Any application for Plumbing or Special Plumbing to a Permit Authority (Council) now requires that the plumbing design also be completed by an LICENSED DESIGNER and a Form 35B – Certificate of the Responsible Designer (Plumbing Work) completed.

Changes affecting Owner Builders Registration have also come into effect, with at least one of the registered Owner Builders being required to complete an Owner Builder Training Course.

Owner Builders are still required to apply for registration through their Building Surveyor.

 What does this mean?

Unless you hold the appropriate license you are no longer allowed to do your own plans.

The only exception to this is plans for a development application only, providing the quality of the plans and documentation meet the minimum requirements set by your local council.

If this all sounds too difficult or confusing there are some local businesses here to help.

Most building designers can assist you in the preparation of plans and documentation for these small projects and some specialty suppliers of the products requiring building and plumbing approval either have an in-house service or connection with a specific design business.

For more information, questions about the changes and to keep ahead of the changes that may affect your Building and Plumbing Application or Owner Builder Requirements ‘CONTACT US’ with your query or concern, contact Department of Justice Tasmania on 1300 135 513 or your nominated Building Surveyor / Council.


Article compliments of Paul Purdon (P & J Sheds)


  1. Tania Ackerley says

    Hello, I have a block of land in Kalang Avenue. I am going to build a kit home on this block eventually. In the interim, I was considering the prospect of turning a shipping container into a granny flat construction, professionally of course. Can you please tell me what is involved and it is allowed to be done?

    • admin@everythingbuilding says

      Hi Tania,
      A shipping container as a dwelling becomes a ‘Class 1’ Building so has to meet all the ‘Class 1’ building requirements set out in the Building Code of Australia.
      Although it seems to be a cheap alternative on the surface, once you consider all the energy efficiency, safety and amenity, structural integrity requirements, to name a few, along with the council’s own planning guidelines it ends up being a much more expensive and complicated process than just plonking a container in your back yard and moving in a couch.
      Technically it can be done but I would consider other alternatives first.

      Darryn White

  2. hi , we have just finished building our home in NSW, we done everything from design of house and drawing of plans to joinery of windows, doors,stairs , we done the concrete slabs, rendering ,plasterboard , the block laying the roofing the tiling /painting etc….only thing we paid others to do was engineering plans plumbing and electical work as these require licenses…..can we do the same in Tasmania or is it more tricky and therefore more expensive ?

    • admin@everythingbuilding says

      Hi Bren,
      You can design, lodge your own Development Application and provide all the specifics, however, Tasmanian regulations require that all working drawings for construction have to be endorsed and certified (form 35) by a Licenced Designer.


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