Building in Tasmania, or at least understanding the building process, has never been easier since the introduction of This website provides information, resources and links to all associated with building, from the home renovator and owner builder through to the professional. A comprehensive website for everything building. The three key functions of the site […]
Know your building costs.
We all know that every year building costs keep going up. More and more regulation requirements must be met at both the planning and building stages and material prices are always on the increase. When deciding to build, the cost allowance in most minds is generally a M2 price based on the size of the […]
The right builder for your project.
Ok, plans are approved and you may have already had some estimates for construction. Have you selected a builder yet? In a lot of cases, once plans are completed, the client will select a number of builders to provide a quote. We have heard many stories over the years of how builder prices differ so […]
Building Practitioner Licensing
All Building Practitioners must hold a current industry license to be able to practice within Tasmania. The Building Act 2016 provides for the licensing of building practitioners as builders, building surveyors and designers. This Scheme specifies the following Categories for accreditation: As a Builder: Builder Construction Manager Fire Protection Services Builder Demolisher As a Building Surveyor: Building […]
Occupational Health and Safety and the Workplace / Building site.
Safety First It is not news to anyone that accidents occur everywhere. Every workplace and building site at some point has seen an accident occur, whether preventable or not. As every year passes sites and workplaces have become safer. Now, after years in the making and much refinement there are new laws dealing with Occupational […]